
Bitch don't kill my vibe

Just finished last round of midterms, now on to the last stretch before finals!! My international orders arrived from Choies. When I saw this Givenchy shark sweater look alike, I instantly purchased. I am a huge shark-saving advocate, so this was just perfect. When I also saw these Chloe look-alike boots, I died a little inside. The perfect student budget! Check them out!!
Choies Shark Sweater Here
Choies Boots Here


You don't know me like you used to know me, baby

Jacket:Thrifted Tank:Aritzia Jeans:Minusey

I just want to stand alone

I like drinking coffee alone and reading alone. I like riding the bus alone and walking home alone. It gives me time to think and set my mind free. I like eating alone and listening to music alone. But when I see a mother with her child, a girl with her lover, or a friend laughing with their best friend, I realize that even though I like being alone, I don’t fancy being lonely. The sky is beautiful, but the people are sad. I just need someone who won’t run away.
Minusey dress
Wilfred free tee
Minusey jeans AA top Wilfred free

DIY vintage tees

I'm all about the DIYs. I'm always looking through sections in thrift stores for tees that I can cut up. Backless, fringe - it's all good! And if you mess up, $3.99 shouldn't hurt the wallet too much.. right? I leave you with a good jam that I've been dancing to non-stop.


Hotter than a Hot Pocket out the double microwave

This seasons must haves: leopard tights, army jackets, long plaid, fringe shirts (DIY), chunky knits, and old cut up vintage shirts. Shirt: Loft 82 Tights: Aldo Shirt: Truly Madly Deeply Shirt: Thrifted and cut Shirt: Thrifted and fringed (DIY tutorial coming soon!) Shirt: Thrifted and cut Shirt: Thrifted from Equador Sweater: Thrifted (hand knitted :) ) The detailing is incredible Shirt: Junk Food Army Jacket: H&M Plaid: Thrifted

New Macbook Pro... new start

First things first.. so I got my computer stolen and ended up getting a $3000 scholarship all in the same week! Cha-ching! A fresh start is in order with school starting again in the fall, which just so happens to be my favourite season! I've collected a few gems this summer to make my days a little brighter. As promised pictures of my new pad a.k.a the Gypsy Den. I also adopted a little rascal into my home named Darwin, rescued all the way from Newfoundland.


Cultivate your wild self

I'm not sorry for my hiatus, as in my spare time I have been discovering the wonderful depths of the Canadian Rockies. School, volunteering, and the mountains (which I refer to as majestic goddesses) have been consuming my life so far this year. I just got back from Sasquatch and I am currently enrolled in my last pre-req for Vet Med. Many new blog posts to look forward to this summer: the gypsy den (my new home), new art studio, hikes, fashion, and island adventures! I hope my hiking pictures inspire you all to get outside more. Allow the outdoors to cultivate your wild self. I'll leave you with a quote from this book, "A hike isn't emotionally rewarding solely because of the destination. We want to be wowed along the way by stately trees, profuse wildflowers, plunging gorges, rocky escarpments. Watching a stream charge on its journey is a delight. Trails carved into rugged mountainsides are enthralling. Solitude is a sustaining necessity of life. Observing wild creatures is a primal joy. The closer we get to gleaming glaciers and piercing peaks, the more ecstatic we feel. High, airy, eye-stretching, soul-expanding perches thrill us most of all"



The Sasquatch lineup was released February 2nd, to say that I am jazzed would be an understatement. I leave you with a few pictures from last year!
